The Jordan District guidelines are that all lunches must be paid in advance.
- Single milk purchases have increased to 30¢ this year
- Student lunch is $2.00 per day or $10.00 per week
- Reduced lunch is 40¢ per day or $2.00 per week
- Student breakfast is $1.05 per day or $5.25 per week
- Reduced breakfast is 30¢ per day or $1.50 per week
- Adult lunches are $4.10 per day
- No change will be given, all money received will be credited to the student account
Click on the lunch or breakfast buttons to switch menus. Use the arrows to scroll or click on the date to choose a different date. To see a full week or month at a time. Click HERE.
Monthly Lunch Prices
Monthly Breakfast Prices
Lunch Times 24-25