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Code of Conduct

WELBY ELEMENTARY is an excellent school where the teachers, students, administration, and staff work together to create a clean, safe learning environment. When we work together, we can have an effective school where students feel safe, confident, and happy while they learn.  RESPECT is a keyword at Welby.  Respect for self, respect for others, and respect for property. 


Punctuality and regular attendance are two important factors affecting school success.  Research has shown that an important aspect of students’ access to education is the amount of time spent in the classroom.  When students are absent from school, cut class, or arrive late, they miss opportunities to learn.  “Missed time in school leads to poor grades and further absenteeism, often creating a vicious cycle.” (Phillips 1995)   “When students distract their classmates by their absences or tardiness, then they also are interfering with other students’ opportunities to learn.  And habits of absence and tardiness can affect work performance when these youngsters become adults.” (National Center for Educational Statistics 1996)

Please, if your student is ill and you are keeping him/her home, call the office, to ensure that your student is excused.

Please don't send your students to school early.  There is no supervision on the playground and they will not be invited into the building as our staff uses this time to prepare and they are not available to work with or tend to students.

Utah State Law (Public Law 53-24-1) requires every child between the ages of six and eighteen to be in attendance at school every official school day.  The law further states that every parent or guardian has the responsibility of sending his or her child to school. The administration and staff at Welby Elementary are committed to the success of students.  Student success can best be achieved when students, parents, teachers, and school administration work together toward a common goal.


  1. Excused absences
    1. Illness (a maximum of 10 days may be excused due to a student illness prior to requiring a doctor’s note.)
    2. Doctor or dental appointments, which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours
    3. Funeral with parent permission
    4. Vacation absences and special types of obligation that have prior approval in accordance with Jordan District Policy with the prior completion of the Vacation/Education Leave Form.
    5. Home and hospital instruction
    6. Required court appearance
  2. Unexcused absences
    1. These are absences that are not authorized by state law nor by district or school policy but which occur with parental knowledge or consent.
      1. Examples of unexcused absences may be, but are not limited to: “needed at home,” “homework completion,” “car problems,” “babysitting,” and “skiing.”  Additionally, students will be considered unexcused from school if a parent does not call in their absence and/or does not send a note to the office within one week of the absence.
  3. Truancy absence
    1. Absences that occur without school and/or parental approval.  A student is considered truant if he/she:
      1. Leaves for school but does not arrive at school
      2. Arrives at school but does not attend class
      3. Leaves school without following proper check-out procedure
      4. Obtains permission to go to a certain place but does not arrive there.


The safety of our students is a top priority. Once students arrive on campus, they will not be allowed to leave except with a parent or a parent designee whose name is authorized in Skyward.  Please check your student out of school by coming into the building and signing the student out through the office.


Utah law states that medication may only be administered to a student by school personnel if the student’s legal guardian has provided a current written and signed request by a physician stating that medication must be administered to the student during regular school hours and that the statement describes the exact method, amount, and time schedule for administration. This means that students are not to bring any type of medication to school.   This medication should be brought to the office by the parent.  Please see our office staff for the required forms that must be on file.

Reminder—Students may not have medication in their possession. Therefore they may not share any kind of medication with friends, including over-the-counter medications such as cough drops or aspirin.


  1. Follow directions the first time
  2. Keep your hands, feet, mouth, and objects to yourself.
  3. Use positive actions and statements towards others.
  4. Always walk into the building
  5. Always be in the proper place.
  6. Handle all materials and equipment properly.


Self-discipline is the goal of every teacher and the school's administration for our students.  We believe that all students deserve a positive educational environment for academic and social growth.  Positive behaviors are identified, taught, encouraged, and reinforced.  Because this method has been adopted school-wide, all students come to understand it is the culture of our school, the “way things are done around here.” It is used in conjunction with other school and classroom strategies to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for all students.  It is used in all areas of the school:  classrooms, cafeteria, playground, halls, and restrooms.

Each teacher and staff member at Welby Elementary will be participating in this school-wide discipline.  This is a non-confrontational approach to behaviors that disrupt the positive learning environment at school. 


Textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, planners, and other school materials, are furnished without charge to the students. Students are expected to take care of school property. Students will be expected to pay for materials that are lost, damaged beyond repair, or unusable.


The following conduct is considered dangerous or disruptive and is prohibited on school property at any time: (as per Jordan School District policy AS67 NEG)

  1. Possessing or bringing any potentially harmful item (including but not limited to guns, knives, weapons, poisonous items, or flammable materials).
  2. Possessing or bringing any item that cannot be legally possessed by a juvenile (including but not limited to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or unauthorized medication).
  3. Possessing or bringing any facsimile of the items mentioned in #1 -2 (including but not limited to toy guns, pocket knives, drug paraphernalia, or items represented as drugs).
  4. Attempting, threatening, conspiring, or committing any act that could result in harm to others or to the school (including but not limited to stealing, vandalism, assault, arson, sexual harassment, or gang-related activities).

Students who violate the Safe School Policy will face disciplinary action in the form of restitution, suspension, or removal from school.


This is an area of our school where each student is expected to show good judgment and proper behavior.  Each student is expected to act in the same manner that they would act in their bathroom at home. Cleanliness and good health habits are very important. Students should always flush the toilet and wash their hands. Restrooms should be left clean. Restrooms are not to be places where students meet their friends.


All food is restricted to the cafeteria unless authorized by a teacher for a class activity. Gum is not allowed in school. District policy prohibits the distribution of any homemade foods. All food must be commercially prepared, packaged, and within approved dates.


Our lunchroom is designed to be a place where students can come and enjoy a meal with their classmates.  Students need to follow these simple rules so all students will be able to enjoy their lunches.

  1. Show respect for the supervisors at all times.
  2. Enjoy a quiet conversation without yelling and loud talking.
  3. Students will keep the cafeteria clean by picking up all garbage around their tables and on the floor. They will never throw food or touch another student's lunch.
  4. Students will never run in the cafeteria and will not switch places once they are seated.
  5. Food, milk cartons, straws, or other items will not go out of the cafeteria.
  6. Each grade will need to remain seated for at least 15 minutes before they may be excused.


We have arranged for some special programs to come to our school.  These programs are for the enjoyment of all the students. Appropriate program behavior is as follows:

  1. Show respect for the performers by being attentive during the program and by remaining quietly seated.
  2. It is proper to show your appreciation for a job well done by politely applauding (neither whistling nor booing is appropriate).
  3. Enter and exit the auditorium quickly and quietly at the direction of your teacher.


Running in the school is not allowed.  Students will be expected to leave and enter the building in an orderly, quiet, and safe manner, using their assigned grade door.  The students are further expected to walk to their activity areas in a line as directed by their teacher.


There is ample evidence to show that student dress is a factor in learning.  The Jordan School District's "Dress Code," is what we, as a school, will be expected to follow:

  1. All students will be required to wear clean clothing. Clothing that is so conspicuous, extreme, or so odd as to draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt the learning atmosphere will not be allowed.
  2.  No clothing that is immodest, mutilated, cut off, or that may disrupt the learning atmosphere, such as short shorts, mini-skirts, bare midriffs, tube or halter tops, spaghetti straps, tank-top shirts, ragged pants or shirts, or any clothing with excessive holes.  Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times.  Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be a least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.
  3. In the interest of good health and hygiene, proper footwear will be worn at all times.
  4. Cold weather dress. Please make certain your children dress appropriately for the cold weather.  Your students will have one or two short outside recesses each day.  Students perform better as a result of these short activity breaks but need to be dressed to fit the outside conditions.
  5. Students are not to wear hats, or bandanas, of any kind within the building except when hats are approved as part of a special student activity.


Some rules that will help keep our students safe and contribute to the overall safety and enjoyment of the entire student body:

  1. Only play in assigned areas.
    1. Playing will not be allowed in the following areas:
      1. Front sidewalks
      2. Any of the parking lots
      3. Areas between the portables and the school areas that cannot be seen by the playground supervisors.
  2. Allow all students to participate in organized games (i.e. soccer, basketball, softball, etc.).  Games should not be "locked" so that all can join in.
  3. Contact games, which include tackling, tripping, or pushing, will not be permitted at school
  4. Snowball and rock throwing, sliding on the snow, ice, or on our lawns, are not permitted.
  5. We expect that respect will be given to everyone.  Students should always treat supervising adults with respect and follow their directions at all times.
  6. Fighting will never be allowed on our campus. Also, intimidation, whether physical or verbal will not be tolerated.
  7. Discipline will be sure and swift for anyone who hits or otherwise abuses another student.
  8. Playground material is to be used safely.
  9. Metal baseball bats or hard baseballs are not to be used at recess.
  10. Students must remain on school property at all times.